StopGBV Advocate Certificate

Channel your “Passion into Action” to advocate for others by learning more about important Social Impact topics where you can Make a Difference in Society!

📚 StopGBV Advocate Certificate Overview

The StopGBV Advocate Certificate includes following courses and course series:

  1. ✅ LGBTQ+ GBV (2 course series)
    • Members of the LGBTQ+ community are disproportionately affected by Gender-based Violence (GBV). Additionally, formal research on how GBV affects LGBTQ+ people is limited which makes the LGBTQ+ community extremely vulnerable.
    • This course is an excellent resource for LGBTQ+ students or allies that wish to learn more about how GBV affects members of the LGBTQ+ community and more about laws and policies aimed at protecting LGBTQ+ people.
  2. ✅ Immigration through a GBV Lens (3 course series)
    • The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world, making it a melting pot of different cultures. In this course, students will learn that many people, women especially, flee their home countries because of experiences of GBV.
    • This course series is an excellent resource for students that are interested in exploring a globally focused career in immigration policy and public service.
  3. ✅ Gun Control to StopGBV
    • In this course, students will learn about gun violence in the context of GBV and explore how gun control can potentially be used to save lives and StopGBV.
    • This course is an excellent resource for students who are interested in jump starting their career in public policy, governance and journalism. Any student who is interested in pursuing a changemaking career should take this course.
  4. ✅ Smart Leadership to StopGBV (2 course series)
    • Did you know that there are 9 different kinds of intelligence? In this course series, you will learn about the Multiple Intelligences Theory by Howard Gardner and how to leverage them to pursue change making careers in law, governance and journalism to StopGBV.
    • This course series is an excellent resource for any student who wants to understand more about their individual strengths and how to leverage them to make the biggest impact with their careers to StopGBV.
  5. ✅ Student Activism to StopGBV
    • Learn how student activism can be a powerful force in bringing about change and what current students can do to contribute to causes.
    • This course is an excellent resource for students interested in getting involved in student activism and bringing change that they want to see in the world.

🔍What will be covered in each of these courses?

📚 LGBTQ+ GBV? (2 course series)

This course series is broken down into two courses.

1️⃣ In LGBTQ+ Higher Education Intervention, students will learn:  

  • How to recognize GBV against LGBTQ+ people.
  • Policies colleges and schools have to protect LGBTQ+ people from GBV
  • Ways to advocate for similar changes at the learners’ home institutions and the proper channels to advocate for change

2️⃣ In LGBTQ+ GBV Legislation, students will learn:

  • The recent shift in how federal laws are being interpreted to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ people
  • How Title IX and Violence Against Women Act have been expanded to better protect the LGBTQ+ community

📚 Immigration (3 course series)

This course series is broken down into three courses.

1️⃣ In Immigration Reform and Advocacy, students will learn:  

  • The many ways in which the immigration process does not meet the needs of survivors of gender based violence
  • Various strategies and reforms that can better support immigrant survivors
  • Effective advocacy responses around immigration and gender-based violence

2️⃣ In Barriers to Support for Immigrants, students will learn:

  • The obstacles immigrant survivors of gender-based violence face when attempting to access support
  • The many inadequacies in publicly available support that hinders recovery for immigrant survivors of gender-based violence

 3️⃣ In Immigrants through a GBV Lens, students will learn:

  • Reasons why many women will make the journey to a new country to escape unsafe situations
  • What kind of protections are offered for women who immigrate to escape unsafe conditions, specifically in the U.S.
  • Details about the asylum system in the U.S. and pathways to protections outside of the asylum system

📚 Smart Leadership to StopGBV (2 course series)

This course series is broken down into two courses.

1️⃣ In Introduction to Multiple Intelligences, students will learn:  

  • Why viewing intelligence as something that one either has or does not have is an inherently flawed perception
  • Details on the 9 types of intelligence as defined by Harvard psychologist and professor Dr. Howard Gardner

2️⃣ In Changemaker Careers to StopGBV, students will learn:

  • How to leverage your career to change the world for the better.
  • Details on careers in journalism, law, and governance, also known as the three changemaker careers to StopGBV.
  • Details on how to pursue each career listed above and how to pursue those careers

📚 Gun Control to StopGBV

This course will educate students on the relationship between gun violence and GBV. This course will empower students to advocate effectively for expanded gun control to protect more people. In this course, students will learn about:

  • The interconnectedness of gun violence and intimate partner violence
  • The gravity of impact gun violence has on certain gender and sexual minorities in the United States.
  • Details on existing gun laws in the United States, and how effective gun control can be in preventing GBV

📚 Student Activism to StopGBV

Students who complete this course will be able to empower their classmates to make the most of their years in school to bring about positive change.

In this course, students will learn:

  • How student activism can be a powerful tool for change
  • How to start their own student activist group
  • The problem and challenges of GBV on college campuses

Advocate Certificate

Advocate for others by learning about critical GBV issues
$ 249
with Student Discount
  • Immigration through a GBV Lens
  • Gun Control to StopGBV
  • Smart Leadership to StopGBV
  • Student Activism to StopGBV

💡Key Benefits to completing the StopGBV Advocate course series


  • Students will gain a clear understanding of how GBV disproportionately affects members of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Students will demonstrate mastery of critical pieces of legislation such as Title IX and The Violence Against Women act and become empowered to support LGBTQ+ students who are victims of GBV. ✅
  • Students will become competitive candidates when applying for internships in careers focused on Social Impact and Advocacy. ✅

2️⃣ Immigration & GBV

  • Students will gain a clear understanding of how to help immigrant survivors of GBV. ✅
  • Students will demonstrate mastery on details pertaining to the asylum system in the United States. ✅
  • Having the certificate for this course will make student’s applications stand out for internships in the field of public service and immigration policy. ✅

3️⃣ Gun Control to StopGBV

  • Students will gain a clear understanding of the problem of gun control and how it relates to GBV.✅
  • Students will better understand what laws currently exist to restrict gun violence in the United States. ✅
  • Students will become competitive candidates when applying for internships in governance and public policy.  ✅

4️⃣ Smart Leadership to StopGBV

  • Students will gain a clear understanding of how they can leverage their specific intelligence type to pursue a changemaker career to StopGBV.✅
  • Students will discover pathways to fighting GBV with their career through journalism, law and governance. ✅
  • Students will be able to empower their classmates to index on their own intelligence type to make the most of their education and careers. ✅

5️⃣ Student Activism to StopGBV 

  • Students will gain a clear understanding of how they can leverage their time in school to pursue changemaking initiatives to StopGBV. ✅
  • Students will learn pathways to fight GBV through student activism. ✅
  • Students will be able to empower their classmates to make the most of their education to bring about positive change. ✅

🏆 What will learners earn after completing the StopGBV Advocate course series?

Learners who complete the course series will earn a Professsional Certificate with an accompanying Verifiable Digital Badge that they will be able to share on their LinkedIn profiles.

Learners who earn this Professional Certificate demonstrate a commitment to professional development and leadership, and Student Activism—and stand out in job applications for careers focused on Social Impact and Advocacy.