Make cyberhygiene go viral

Launch your own Cyber Health Campaign! You’ve examined your own cyberhygiene habits. Now share what you’ve learned by creating a social marketing campaign to motivate others to do the same.  Just like the signs in restrooms that encourage everyone to wash their hands, raising awareness about safeguarding personal information benefits society by making it harder …

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Plan your digital future

Five or ten years from now, what do you imagine you’ll be doing? Working? Going to college or graduate school? Starting your own company? It’s exciting to think about what you might do in the future, but what you do on the internet today can impact your opportunities in the future. It’s not just hackers …

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Words to Know

Cookie  – a small data packet that websites can store on your device in order to collect information  Cyberhygiene  – the regular habits that computer users can take to improve their cybersecurity  Cyberstalking  – the use of the internet or other digital technology to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization Data vulnerability  – a weakness that leaves …

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Outsmart the online marketers

Have you ever noticed that when you do an internet search for puppy videos that all of a sudden, you’re seeing ads for dog trainers, puppy chow, and dog-walking services? That’s because online marketers use algorithms to track your online behaviors, so they know what to sell you. Online marketers especially like to market to …

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Guard your movements

Who knows where you were yesterday? Probably your parents, teachers, coaches, and friends, right? But a hacker might know too. Everything you do online leaves a trail—a digital footprint. Just like a detective, a savvy hacker can piece together a lot of information about you by following your footprints. For example, posting on social media …

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Learn how to prevent future attacks

The best way to handle a cybersecurity crisis is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Cybersecurity professionals have identified many ways to protect digital devices and systems from attack, but some of them can be very expensive. Big companies might have a lot of money to spend on cybersecurity strategies, but local …

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Decide whether to pay the ransom

When hackers break into systems and shut them down, they might ask for money to turn the computers back on. Whether or not to pay ransom to hackers is a difficult choice. When a city or organization is hacked, leaders may ask themselves questions like:    ■ Does paying ransom to a hacker encourage other …

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Identify suspects

Hackers work in the shadows. They quietly look for ways to sneak in to computer systems or disguise themselves to trick people into giving them valuable information. So how do cybersecurity professionals figure out who the hackers are? They look for digital clues.  Every online action leaves a trail. Sometimes hackers work together to launch …

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