Character Traits of the Mi9 Team

Each Mi9 Team member also stands for a specific character trait: leadership, determination, initiative, tenacity, teamwork, empathy, kindness, purpose and understanding.

The Gardener, who helps to advise and facilitate the Mi9 Team superheroes, himself embodies wisdom and helps to guide each of them to reach their full potential as they grow, flourish and progress in their special skills and unique talents.  Some are understanding and thoughtful, while others are strong and tenacious – but each have a special part to play in bettering the world.



  • Involves leading or directing another person or group of people
  • Requires inspiration, motivation, action, and communication
  • Involves focus, kindness, awareness, intelligence, and thoughtfulness
  • Results in bettering the world by making necessary changes and inspiring others


  • Involves purpose and staying concentrated and firm in a journey
  • Requires time, energy, strength, patience, and motivation
  • Results in resolute focus that can be applied to any scenario
  • Supports long-term goals and tasks that require focused hard work


  • Involves persistence, steadfast determination, and confidence
  • Requires belief in oneself and one’s goal(s)
  • Encompasses strength, power, and the ability to persevere in the face of hardship
  • Enables one to accomplish goals, stay motivated, and never give up


  • Involves working together and finding success amidst a group of people
  • Requires patience, understanding, acceptance, and a positive attitude
  • Results in more well-rounded, thoughtful individuals 
  • Leads individuals to join forces to improve their lives, communities, and the whole world.


  • Enables one to identify with others and their hardships or successes
  • Involves seeing things from another’s perspective and understanding, appreciating, and embracing that perspective
  • Involves viewing the world more closely and intuitively 

Results in making oneself available to others in order to connect with 
and help them


  • Involves the ability to see an opportunity and seize it
  • Involves confidence, drive, motivation, and the power to take charge
  • Enables one to think independently about how to improve situations and environments
  • Results in the ability to inspire and start change


  • Involves caring for others and opening oneself to positivity and healthy relationships
  • Stands in direct opposition to negativity
  • Allows one to improve one’s own life and to spread positivity to others
  • Inspires nice acts, patience, understanding, and love


  • Motivates individuals to make the world better and to accomplish goals
  • Encompasses the reason(s) for which something exists or is done, made, or used
  • Requires introspection and knowledge of one’s hopes and dreams
  • Inspires a fixed intention to work towards an envisioned result or outcome


  • Involves being aware and “tuned in” to other’s feelings and needs
  • Inspires compassion, love, acceptance, and tolerance
  • Involves observation, an open mind, and comprehension of differences
  • Strengthens relationships between individuals and groups


Click on the Topics below to watch a video and learn more about Leadership Character Traits: